Friday, November 28, 2008

English W131

The first day of English class I honestly thought it was going to be unbelievably tough. But, once I got the first writing assignment and realized that there were no tests, just papers, I knew I was going to do okay. I know the past couple of papers I've slacked off and I have no excuse, but I'm trying to make this final paper the best one I've written. Through writing these papers, I've come across a lot of topics that have grabbed my attention as potential topics I'd like to pursue in my personal time. I've also found out a lot about myself and how I feel about certain topics. For example, this proposal paper is going to cover one of the topics that I have strong personal experience with... child abuse. I'm going to cover various views on what child abuse is and my proposal is that there be a minimal sentence law for specific child abuse crimes. As a writer, and as a student trying to pass this class with a decent grade, I'm putting my all into this paper. Over the past few weeks I've learned a lot about myself and the way I write. There are so many times where I want to put my personal emotion into my papers and yet it would be inappropriate for the topic and type of paper. As a writer I've discovered that I am now trying to include more 'studious' vocabulary in my writing. As a student, I've actually started to slack by letting petty things in life get in the way of my education. I've slacked off in the aspect of not having good attendance and not putting my all into my work. So, as contradictory as it may sound, I feel that I really have grown a s a writer, but have failed as a student when I know I have the capability to be better than what I have exhibited. However, this semester has given me a life changing experience that will continue to positively influence my work abilities as I further my education and work field.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My Argument Paper

My report paper, though being very short and crappy, really made me think about how many child abusers get off with small sentences, especially when they plead insanity. I thought about incorporating my "experience story", some sections of my report, and legal aspects of child abuse to make the argument that those who are convicted of child abuse, or abuse where the outcome results in murder, are not getting strong enough sentences. Most often they are given shorter sentences because they plead insanity and I strongly think there's more to it than that. I think it's important that I inform my audience of what abuse is, legal acts that have been passed to protect children, and statistics on the time the average abuser spends. I think I have a pretty strong case in my own personal experience, and I believe that with more research I can make my case much stronger. If anyone has any advice or suggestions please leave me a comment. Oh, and Ms. Brown, would you please leave me some suggestions anyway? Thanks

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Make Abortion Illegal

Abortion is always a topic up for debate. In fact, a lot of people choose abortion as a debate topic because it really is two sided. For me, there are three sides to the debate of abortion. First of all, I really really really disagree with abortion for the use of getting rid of an "accident" child and I strongly disagree with the use of abortion for a one-night-stand accident. However, the only uses I do agree with for getting an abortion would be rape (incest or stranger). Even in the even of rape, whether it be by a stranger or a relative, if you go to a hospital they always give you the option of taking the "morning after" pill. Rape is something that should be reported right away in any case, but especially if there is the possibility of the person being pregnant (e.i. the rapist didn't use protection or the woman was not on birth control). Even if there isn't the possibility of being pregnant, the woman should go to the hospital to check for any damages. Abortion is not something that should be taken lightly especially when even in the case of rape, there are other options.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Child Abuse

I've decided to do my report on child abuse and how it causes long term (in some cases life long) damage to a child. I haven't done much research yet because I didn't really set myself to one topic until today. I kept tossing ideas back and forth. I've decided to do an interview with someone who has dealt with child abuse and/or/ not experienced it for themselves. I'm thinking about interviewing my sister. Both my sister and I were abused by our fathers and it's something that neither one of us are afraid to talk about. I'm not really a professional on this topic however I think I do have a advantage when it comes to the experience aspect of it because I have experienced abuse head on. In my paper I want to make people aware that child abuse is a big problem in today's society and I want to inform people of what abuse is (not just hitting, but also using drugs around kids and talking down to them) and inform them of the lasting affect it has on kids.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Internet Resources

It's twelve 'o' clock midnight, you're sitting at your computer pondering the topic of your five page research paper due at eight 'o' clock that morning. What do you? Well, most high school students will go to google, type in their topic, and use any source they can find on the internet. What's the problem? Kids nowadays have forgotten how to use a library and have become much more lazy when it comes to "making the grade". I think high school teachers nowadays make it too easy for kids to make the grade with little or no effort put into it. Sure, this is a simple solution for kids who have no plans on going to college or even getting a descent job for that matter. The slightest suggestion for a kid to go to the library is completely unheard of.

Yes, the internet is much more convenient and accessible. Yes, you can find descent resources. But, how can you know for sure if something is correct unless you have other resources to back it up (and this does not include Wikipedia). Today, so many different things can be put on the internet and an average persons' opinion can be passed as truth. The simplest way to know if something is true is this: If it's true... it's written somewhere!!!! Using books and articles and journals are so much more credible that they make the internet look like a plagiarism playground.

Yes, I have to agree that the internet is a wonderful tool, especially if you're pressed for time, but the truth of the matter is that it would take less time to find credible information in a book rather than look something up on the internet and then do a bunch of more research to make sure it's true.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Honestly, I've been writing since I was a little girl. In elementary school I used to put my short stories in competitions throughout the school. I believe that writing is something that runs in my blood. My mother used to do calligraphy and poetry as a side job, as did my grandfather. Sometimes, when I'm in the mood and have something to say, I put it on paper because it makes me feel better. Whether I'm writing a personal journal entry, or a simple "to do" list, I find it relaxing to look at my thoughts on paper.
In school, I always found writing to be an easy task. In high school I was required to keep a "writer's notebook" and have at least 3 pages per week. I was always the one with a filled notebook by the end of the first semester. I don't really know how to explain it, but writing is just something that makes me feel better about my thoughts, and keeps me organized when it comes to important things to do.
Although I find writing difficult at times, I really do enjoy it. A lot of times when I receive a writing assignment I would much rather write about something else, but I can always overcome the irritation of some subjects. I find that writing for school allows me to discover different places, people, cultures, etc. depending on what I'm writing about.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

He's Gone But I Can Still Feel Him

Have you ever taken the time to really think about why you love someone? Have you ever really taken the time to see what it is about them that captures you? Have you ever wondered why it is that every time they leave your side you feel this emptynes and need for them? Honestly, I've never really thought about those things until I woke up this morning and realized that the love of my life is gone for a month. I suddenly started thinking about all the things that we are hoping for in our future together. I started to wonder how it is that I found such a wonderful man. I started to ask myself how we made it through all of the hard times we've been through. But you know, I found out that love is the hardest thing to try to figure out and explain. You can't explain love. You can't really explain why you are in love with a person. But, you can explain all the things that make that person so wonderful.

I've been with Josh for a year and almost 8 months. We've planned a future together and we have goals for our relationship. But, in all things we want and have palnned, we only take it one day at a time. In fact, most of the time he's the one telling me to calm down and take a breath. He's always here for me. He's always taken care of me. And all the little things just make me fall in love with him over again.

The way he looks at me sometimes. Not really wanting to say anything, just wanting to look at me and smile. Those little moments where we just smile at each other still give me chills. The way he holds me tight while we fall asleep. The warmth of his body and the sound of his heart beat just remind me of who I fell in love with. The way he says "I love you". Soft and deep. And the way he touches me when he says it. Sometimes it's a hug and sometimes it's just the squeez of my finger. No matter how he touches me I still freeze.

I don't know how to explain it. It's just one of those things that I "knew". I didn't have to have someone explain it to me, I didn't have to have someone tell me if it was right or wrong, and I didn't have to listen to anyone but myself. In fact, I think being with Josh is the one time that I have listened to my heart instead of my head. And I didn't care what anyone else thought. I just did it and took that chance. And yes, my heart got broke a couple of times, but did finally realize. And yes, we are still working out some "problems" but he is willing to change and he finally understands where I'm coming from now.

I think we are happier now than we have ever been. I love you baby. I'll see you soon. xoxoxoxoxo